This quick and easy guided meditation is created to help you manifest all of your dreams and desires. Our thoughts and words are very powerful and the moment we truly understand their power we will become more powerful designers of our own lives. In this guided meditation we are going to train our minds to bring more positivity and love to ourselves and the life that we live.
Use this meditation anytime you feel lost, stressed or unsure of which direction to move your life in, or if you need to refocus and recharge your motivation- to give yourself clarity in your journey and to redefine your goals. Always remember to follow your heart. Our mind and ego love to over analyze everything and to convince us of the “safe path”, the decisions that will make everyone happy instead of yourself.
Through this meditation practice we train to pause the voice of the ego and hear the deeper voice within your soul. Your calling, your dreams, and your life goals.
Live the life you love. Anything is possible. The decision starts with you.
Oh and also!! This video introduces our little rottie gentlemen – Prince!