This 10 minute cardio yoga workout for weight loss is the perfect way to get you into your fat burning zone, tone and strengthen the muscles, and bring incredible physical results to the entire body.
Through different cardio exercises that stimulate the metabolism, this boho beautiful yoga workout class will be the 10 min of HIIT training that you need to get your day going. We will be working through different lunges, cardio transitions, pushups and plank variations to build up incredible heat in the body.
This workout was shot in the middle of winter in beautiful Switzerland which inspired this workout to be quick and super effective in building up heat from the inside out. You can call this your snow yoga workout or even the Wim Hoff inspired yoga class, whatever it is, it will definitely wake up every part of your body from the inside out.
No equipment is needed for this incredibly effective workout. Get ready to move, sweet, and breathe as we flow and stimulate the body with this amazing cardio yoga workout class. Roll out that mat and enjoy!
Juliana and Mark Spicoluk from Boho Beautiful