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Welcome to #ProjectInspire

This is a place where stories of success, transformation, and personal growth are meant to inspire one and other. We are so blessed that so many of you have given purpose to our videos and have been able to apply them to your own personal journeys. Your stories have inspired us to keep going: from weight loss, to shifting perspectives of the world, to yoga guiding you to what you needed, to vegan and plant based journeys, to rehabilitations and recovery, and new found daily mindfulness.

We believe it’s important to share our stories. As we grow, and as we speak of our growth, and when others hear and witness it for themselves, it spreads the spark of belief… and belief is the key ingredient to all change. Just as the entire world believed that running the four minute mile was impossible until Roger Bannister broke that barrier, once it was proven it could be done, it was the belief that it could be done that now allows people to accomplish it constantly.

So read a story and leave your story.

Take what you need for your journey.

And hope someone takes something from yours.

It doesn’t matter how small your steps are, you never know who might need them.

This is #ProjectInspire

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