Anyone can learn how to head stand and elbow stand in a few and easy steps. Through mastering your strength and balance both Sirsasana and Pincha Mayurasana yoga postures can help you take your yoga class to the next level.

No matter if you are a complete beginner or an advanced yogi this boho beautiful yoga master class is a fun way to expand your inversions. In this yoga master class we will explore all levels from getting into the most basic version to impressive and challenging variations.

Inversions, when practiced mindfully, bring so much benefit to the body! Not only do they allow us to explore the body and have some play time with ourselves but they also can relieve anxiety, remove stress and increase focus and self confidence. Inversions stimulate and also cleanse the systems- including increasing the metabolism.

So with so much benefit attached to go upside down, adding inversions to our daily yoga practice can be extremely valuable for our health and well being.

Just be careful. DON’T push past your comfort zone. Listen to your body. AND make sure to put your weight on your arms NOT your actual head!

OH YEAH… and have FUN! because head-stands aren’t just for the young, they are also for the young at heart!


See you on the mat!

*Class by Juliana Spicoluk, shot by Mark Spicoluk from Boho Beautiful