We wanted to make a quick and fun little blog about one of our favourite homemade plant-based snacks.

This is something we have been making this summer that keeps us fuelled through long shoot days, hikes, or even as a healthy mid-day treat. Packed with protein and only natural ingredients, these plant based balls will have you ball crazy in no time!



Plant Based/Vegan Chocolate Coconut/Truffle Protein Balls:

1/2 cup Raw Almonds & Cashews (natural)

1/2 cup Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds (raw)

1/4 tsp Sea Salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp Maca Powder

1/4 cup Cacoa Powder

1 cup Dates (pitted)

3 tbsp water

1/4 cup Cacao Nibs

* Shredded unsweetened coconut and cacao powder left for the topping at the end.

1. In a food processor, grind nuts until they’re finely ground.

2. Pulse in cacao, vanilla extract, maca and salt.

3. Add the chopped dates and water until all the ingredients are blended nicely into a dough mixture. Add cacao nibs.

4. Roll the dough into balls

5. Roll the balls in shredded coconut or cacao powder.

5. Place balls in the freezer or fridge and freeze for at least 30 min then serve!




You can find the video for our most favorite plant based snacks here

Mark and Juliana ☮